Gathering around the table is where we make the magic - great food gives us great joy, but what we love even more is the connection and the flush of wellbeing that comes from the whole experience.
— Mary Tea-Bee

cultivating connections, community & cake!

Positive social connections are as important to our wellbeing as good food, but they can be elusive, so how do you find and make those good connections? I created Happy Places & Co to champion connections through making good food and hosting tailored events that comprise my own recipe of food love and great table chats in beautiful places ~ togetherness that stems from great conversations is what I strive for ~ when folks leave, it’s with new pals, a happy heart and a full belly.

Scroll down to subscribe to my Happy Places & Co kitchen & invitations to my clubs and events.

Oh, I want a house with a crowded table
And a place by the fire for everyone
Let us take on the world while we’re young and able
And bring us back together when the day is done
— Lyrics from Crowded Table by Joshua Radin

These images are taken from Happy Places & Co Events where folks are wrapped up in cheery surroundings, the food is tip-top, the tipples are lush, people feel peppy and the ambience takes you out of bland and into la vie en rose (seeing life through rose-tinted glasses).

This is where connections are made, friendships are formed and wellbeing sprinkles itself everywhere!